Pain point:
Enterprises record a vast volume of expense transactions. As a result, working hours, cost, errors, risk audits, and reviews increase. Reviewing the thousands of rows is a tedious job for a human, and increases the ratio of mistakes.
Enterprises record a vast volume of expense transactions. As a result, working hours, cost, errors, risk audits, and reviews increase. Reviewing the thousands of rows is a tedious job for a human, and increases the ratio of mistakes.
Challenges and Solution:
We provide a machine learning platform application which auto-classifies and learns continuously for the higher prediction rate and accuracy to gain organisations cash flow and increase in tax deduction.
We provide a machine learning platform application which auto-classifies and learns continuously for the higher prediction rate and accuracy to gain organisations cash flow and increase in tax deduction.
As a designer, within the limited time and information for the initial launch, I was responsible for creating visual, interaction, and experience designs based on a few White-board sessions. It is an on-going project where the process should be more straightforward and more efficient for our clients. The technology and industry are my new area so that it is very challenging and interesting. I have been gaining the knowledge of machine learning systems and working on how the information must be presented in an efficient and meaningful manner for the users.
I have been motivated to learn more about relationships between ML and UI/UX to help users and keep trying to as intuitive as possible these technologies for users. ML and Al to robotic systems will increasingly be around us. Designers are intermediaries who introduce and make them as natural as possible.
I have been motivated to learn more about relationships between ML and UI/UX to help users and keep trying to as intuitive as possible these technologies for users. ML and Al to robotic systems will increasingly be around us. Designers are intermediaries who introduce and make them as natural as possible.
From the marketing side, this decreases the risk of non-compliance, increasing efficiency, and productivity. We have contracted with major Australian and global companies.